3 Amazing Uses For The Humble Hoof Pick You May Not Have Thought Of!
Ah the humble hoof pick...
Such an essential every-day item for freeing horse hooves from mud and stones.
But did you know that you can also use your hoof picks for other things? Well here are 3 amazing suggestions to really get the most from your magnificent hoof pick:
1. Pulling On Your Riding Boots
Struggling to get your jodhpur boots on? Grab your hoof pick, place the metal pick end through the loop on the back of your boots, place your foot in and pull on with the hoof pick! Inspired right?
2. Using In Place Of A Slotted Screwdriver
No screwdriver handy? Try your hoof pick! Depending on the type of hoof pick, and the size of screw, you can actually use many hoof picks in place of a slotted screwdriver. Toby assures us it works (at least sometimes)!
3. As A Back Scratcher!
There is nothing more annoying than not being able to reach that irritating itch between your shoulder blades! So why not use your hoof pick! You may want to wipe the dirt off it first though :p
So there you have it - I'm sure you are completely blown away by our incredible insight!
And yes we do indeed sell these talented hoof picks we speak of - you can get one (or several!) for just $1.50 each - click here >
And now it's over to you - how do you use your hoof picks?