Give The Gift of Riding This Christmas...

This Christmas, we have a very special gift to share with you.

It's only just been released (last night in fact!) - and has been specifically designed to get as many 'horsey mums' back in to the saddle - and happily riding - fast!

Because a happy mum who rides and follows her horse dreams - ultimately equals happier kids and happier families :)

Now, you may be thinking - but I am not a 'horsey mum'? Why is this relevant to me?

Well - you might just have someone special in your life, who IS a horsey mum.

And the more we can support our amazing mums - the better off we all are :)


The Thriving With Kids & Horses Online Course!

This course provides the FIRST and ONLY step-by-step plan to help horse-loving mums get back in to the saddle after kids.

It solves some of the major challenges horsey mums face, such as:

  • Lack of Time
  • Confidence & Fear
  • Physical Health & Fitness
  • Bringing Horses Back Into Work

Along with lots of powerful mindset strategies - which is often the missing link when it comes to making progress.

All with simple tasks and strategies, that are easy to do - and perfectly manageable with very little time commitments.

Totally designed to take mums from merely SURVIVING to absolutely freakin' THRIVING!

Now, if you ARE a horsey mum who needs that little of help and support to get back in to the saddle - now is the perfect time to shout yourself an early Christmas present. 'Cause, quite frankly, YOU ARE WORTH IT!

But if you are not, here is your chance to become THE most popular partner, friend or family member on the planet - by gifting this amazing course for Christmas to that highly valued horsey mum in your life.

If you'd like to find out more, simply go here:

And RIGHT NOW you can score an entire $100 saving on the course fee (only valid until Midnight, Wednesday, 14 November AEST).

So grab it quick! The Early Bird - does indeed get the juicy worm after all :)

Plus there is stacks more bonuses and benefits included too.

So here's to happy, THRIVING horsey mums everywhere!

Find out more here >

With the greatest of love,

& The One Stop Horse Shop Team
(Totally The Greatest Horse Shop in the World!)