If all else fails... buy a horse (or at least ride one!)

There are times when life really gets you down and sends you completely crazy! You know those moments, like when you are sitting in your tiny grey windowless cubicle in your 9-5 office job with work and stress coming out of your ears, and despite the fact that on the outside you appear like every other cool, calm office professional, in reality you have the strong urge to stick a pair of underpants on your head and dance around the office like a crazy person - just to break the boredom and stir things up a little. Or the time when you are sitting at home putting your feet up after finally managing to clean the house, trying to have a peaceful, uneventful afternoon with your wonderful, perfectly behaved children, and everything is going great - until your four year old suddenly appears with a guilty look, and you discover he has smashed a carton of eggs all over your freshly cleaned floor, then the baby suddenly throws up on every single surface in the house within the space of 60 seconds (like how?!) and suddenly everything is in chaos - AGAIN!

We all have these ridiculous moments in life where everything just seems to be going wrong, a persistent weight lies on our aching shoulders, or you just want to scream from the pure frustration and boredom of it all! And when it does - there really is only one thing us horsey folk should do to make it all go away - BUY A HORSE! 

Yes I said it - buy a horse - as trust me it will save you from even the darkest depths of despair. Horse therapy these days is actually 'a thing' (promise!). Nothing can quite beat the nicker that comes from across the paddock as you approach, or the tickly whiskers and soft furry nose nuzzling at your neck, or that sweet horsey smell that only a true horse lover can appreciate. And the sheer excitement of having a new horse can quite frankly make anything else in life appear ridiculously insignificant! You know it, I know it, us horsey folk all know it!

Now for those of you that are thinking well, buying a horse is a tad extreme, particularly to solve every moment of stress or boredom in your life. And well, maybe it is. If for example you can't buy a horse because you have nowhere to keep it, or if you already have a horse (or 10!) with no room for another, then perhaps actually buying a horse may not be your best option. However you MUST go RIDE your horse (or someones horse!), or at the very least pat and cuddle the closest horse you can find!

Because we all know horses can fix everything. They are a cure all, a stress buster, a source of relaxation and bliss, and everything in between. Non-horsey folk could never begin to understand the magical superpowers of the not so humble equine - you can try explaining it to them until the cows come home, but it never really sinks in. Horse people are special - because they can see just how special a horse really is. Whether the horse you love is a highly bred performance Warmblood, or a humble Shetland pony, they all hold the same magic.

So if you have had one of those weeks (or months, or years!), once today is done and dusted, go buy a horse - or at least ride (or cuddle) one! Life will suddenly seem better, trust me, you know it will.

Disclaimer - One Stop Horse Shop don't condone horse collecting beyond your means, nor rash horse buying decisions. Please take this article in the fun nature in which it was written(!). We also take no responsibility for the extra horse that is now sitting in your wife or partners paddock!