​Keeping It Real - With Horses!

Real Horses - Real Riders - We Get YOU!

You may have noticed, that we at One Stop Horse Shop have been a little quieter since the beginning of the year.

The reason we haven't been sending out too many 'email blasts' or creating too many blog posts, is that we have been very busy, with our heads down, reviewing our 'strategy'.

Now we won't bore you with the nitty gritty boring details, but we have come to a very simple conclusion!

And after re-evaluating a lot of things, we reckon it's time we 'Got Real'. We don't like receiving pushy sales and marketing messages - so we figure you guys don't need that either.

So instead, we are giving this to you straight - from now on!

We are aiming to 'Keep It Real' for 2018. We are forgetting the fancy colours, photos and 'sales push' in our marketing emails this year, and just giving you our best honest horsey advice, and lots of honest reviews of the products we choose to sell.

We will still provide you with the odd pretty picture and hopefully (once we get brave enough!) plenty of real life videos showing our team and their horses in action, with the products we sell. But we won't bombard you with the beautiful 'picture-perfect' models (who supposedly ride), with their manicured nails, and perfect hair and makeup, and ultra clean white breeches (who on earth manages to stay that clean near a horse?) - that even we in the office, giggle at, when they come through from our amazing and well-meaning suppliers. As that just ain't how us 'real riders' roll...

After all, One Stop Horse Shop was created with the aim of keeping affordable, quality horse gear accessible to each and every one of you crazy horse loving folk out there, who loves a good deal, cool products and a hell of a lot of fun with our stunning equine friends.

And to celebrate our 'real-ness' (is that a word?), we would love to invite you - our valued 'real rider' customers(!) to send in a few happy snaps of yourselves and/or your horses, dressed up in your finest 'real' riding clothes and gear!

The best looking 'real' riders and/or horses will receive a $20 gift voucher, to spend online or instore, to help you get more awesome gear from our 'totally hip' range. Just email 'info@onestophorse.com.au' and attach your coolest photos to enter (before 2nd March 2018).

We also love feedback. If you 'dig' our new approach - let us know. If you think we are barking up the wrong tree - feel free to tell us that too. Simply email info@onestophorse.com.au or hit us up on Facebook and speak your truths! We can cop it - I promise - and all feedback submitters (that's you!) will go into a monthly random draw to win a cool, but ultra secret prize.

As always, should you need to get some new and totally awesome (but awesomly real) horse gear - you are always welcome to shop here > http://www.onestophorse.com.au

>>(see how we neatly slipped that smoothly in there - but we promise, that's all the sales talk we will do).<<

And to wrap things up - here is our fabulously 'real' One Stop Horse Shop Thoroughbred 'pony' - Trigger - who you will be seeing more of and learning more about - as one of our main fabulous 'real' horsey models :)

Until next time...keep smiling and enjoying your humble equine friends...

And stay tuned for more exciting installments to come, with helpful info and some awesomely exciting 'real' products and 'real' deals!

Sarah & Toby

PS - You can also join in the fun and connect with us on our Facebook page.